YeeCo(YEE) PoC-6 Officially Released
On December 31, YeeCo officially released the PoC-6 version, which realized the development of one-way cross chain transactions, and launched the block chain explorer. Users can browse or search for blocks, transactions, accounts and events.
The core upgrade points covered by this release of PoC-6: First, improve block transaction validation; second, launch the block chain explorer; third, optimize the PoW difficulty adjustment function; fourth, implement the branch chain Yeebranch and the root chain Yeeroot Cross-chain.
PoC-6 is described in the roadmap section of yeeroot project description:
Feature list
1.Strict block validation
Relay transaction duplication validation.
Shard info validation.
Scale out info validation.
Inherent data validation.
2.Block chain explorer
A block chain explorer site for POCNET is provided, with which users can browse and search for any blocks, transactions, accounts or events.
3.PoW difficulty adjustment improvement
An algorithm with better performance is used for PoW difficulty adjustment.
4.Branch chain support
The yeebranch is provided, which is designed as layer 2 of YeeCo.
Cross chain transactions across from yeeroot to yeebranch are supported.
The relationship of yeeroot and yeebranch is described as follows:
Limitations of version features and future work
Cross chain transactions across from yeebranch to yeeroot are not supported yet.
Features that YeeCo has realized
Tetris consensus Demo.
Transfer feature based on Tetis.
PoW consensus, static sharding.
Transfer feature in static sharding.
Multi-mining, cross-shard transactions.
CRFG final determinism, Dynamic sharding.
To know more about YeeCo:
YeeCo block chain explorer:
Visit official website:
YeeCo Blockchain Technical WhitePaper V0.2:
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